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  • Techniques to improve function of the arm & hand in chronic hemiplegia. Kroft G. Arch physics Medical Rehabilitation

  • The effect of a stroke unit: Reductions in mortality discharge rate to nursing home, length of hospital stay & rest. Joergersen H. et al American Heart Assessment

  • Transcrainial electrical motor evokes potentials as a prognostic indicator for motor recovery in stroke patients. Donunkus M. et al J. Neurologogy, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry

  • Electromyography Biofeedback for neuromuscular re-educationin the hemiplegic stroke patient. A meta analysis. Schleen Baker R. Et al Arch Phys Med Rehabilitation

  • The effects of functional electrical stimulation on shoulder subluxation, arm recovery and shoulder pain in hemiplegic stroke patients. Faghn P. et al Arch Phys Med Rehabilitation

  • The Physiopathology and Treatment Of Functional Disorders. Whatmore G. et al Grune and Stratton, New York.

  • Myofascial trigger points show spontaneous needle EMG activity. Hubbard D and Berkoff G Spine

  • Needle EMG evaluation of trigger point reponses to psycholophysiological stressors. McNutty W. et al Psychophysiology

  • Clinical Applications In Surface EMG. Kasman G. et al Aspen Publishers, Gaithersburg

  • The Lumbar Spine: Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy. McKenzie R. Spinal Publications, Newzealand

  • Effects of exercise therapy on total and component tissue leg volumes or patients undergoing rehabilitation from lower limb injury. Davies C. et al Annuals Human Biology

  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Muscle Pain. Kraus H. Muscle Spasm. Quintessence Publishing Co, Chicago.

  • Joint distention and reflex muscle inhibition in the knee. deAndrane J. et al J Bone Joint Surg Am.

  • Patterns of neuromuscular activity in pain and non-pain Patients. Cram J. et al Clinical Biofeedback and Health.

  • Management of Common Musculoskeletal Disorders. Hertling D. Et al JB Lippincott Co, Philidelphia.

  • Introduction To Surface EMG. Cram J. et al Aspen Publishing, Gathersburg, PA.

  • Biofeedback: Practice and Principles. Basmajian J. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore.

  • Clinical Biofeedback: A Procedural Manual. Gaarder . et al Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore.

  • Biofeedback: A Practitioners Guide. Schwartz M. Guilford Press, New York.

  • Muscle Learning Therapy: A Treatment Protocol. Ettare D. Et al Clinical EMG for Surface Recordings: Vol. 2., Clinical Resources, Nevada City.

  • Clinical uses of neuromuscular electrical stimulation. Baker L.

  • Clinical Electrotherapy. Currier R. Appleton and Lange, CT.

  • Transcutaneous Muscle Stimulation as a Method to Retard Disuse Atrophy. Gould N et al Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research.

  • Functional Electrostimulation in Poststroke Rehabilitation: A Meta-Analysis of the Randomized Controlled Trials. Glanz M. et al Arch Phys Med Rehabilitation

  • Chronic motor dysfunction after stroke; recovering wrist and finger extension by electromyography-triggered neuromuscular stimulation. Cauraugh J. et al J. Stroke

  • A critical review of neuromuscular electrical stimulation for treatment of motor dysfunction in hemiplegia. Chae J. et al Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Assistive Technology

  • Shoulder pain and dysfunction in hemiplegia: effects of functional electrical stimulation. Chantraine A. et al Arch Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

  • A comparison of regular rehabilitation and regular rehabilitation with supported treadmill ambulation training for acute stroke patients. da Cunha et al Texas Woman's University, Houston J. of Rehabilitation R & D

  • Feasibility of gait training for acute stroke patients using FNS with implanted electrodes. Daly J. et al J. of Neurological Science

  • Electrically induced recovery of gait components for older patients with chronic stroke. Daly J. American J. of Phusical Medicine and Rehabilitation

  • Comparison of three mechanical interventions in reducing lower limb edema in stroke patients. Faghri P. Univ. of Connecticut. Proceedings of RESNA annual conference

  • Electrical stimulation for swallowing disorders caused by stroke. Freed M. et al University of Hawaii, Honolulu, USA. Respiratory Care

  • Therapeutic electrical stimulation to the lower extremities of stroke patients by using percutaneous electrodes. Ichie M. et al. Akita University, Japan; Hokuryo FES Clinic Proceedings of Intern. FES Society

  • Functional electrical stimulation to improve gait in subjects with hemiplegia. Kopacz J. et al University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, La Crosse, WI. Physical therapy

  • Functional MRI evidence of cortical reorganization in upper-limb stroke hemiplegia treated with constraint-induced movement therapy. Levy C. Et al St. Joseph's Hospital, Phoenix, AZ. American J. of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

  • The value of EMG-triggered electrostimulation in the treatment of younger stroke patients. Mokrusch T. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair

  • Electromyographic biofeedback to improve lower extremity function after stroke: a meta-analysis. Moreland J. et al Arch. Of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

  • Walking training of patients with hemiparesis at an early stage after stroke: a comparison of walking training on a treadmill with body weight support and walking training on the ground. Nilsson L. et al Goteborg Univ. Sweden. Clinical Rehabilitation.

  • Optimal control of walking with functional electrical stimulation: a computer stimulation study. Popovic D. et al IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering

  • Electrical stimulation for preventing and treating post-stroke shoulder pain: a systematic Cochrane review. Price C. et al Newcastle University, UK. Clinical Rehabilitation

  • Contractile tension of the tibialis anterior muscle elicited by electrical stimulation and voluntary effort in patients with hemiplegia. Sahrmann S. Et al Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis. . Physical Therapy

  • Low TENS treatment on post-stroke paretic arm: a three-year follow-up. Sonde L. et al Turku University Hospital,Finland. Clinical Rehabilitation

  • A pilot study of myoelectrically controlled FES of upper extremity. Thorsen R. University of Twente, The Netherlands IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation engineering

  • Soleus stretch reflex inhibition in the early swing phase of gait using deep peroneal nerve stimulation in spastic stroke participants. Voormolen M. et al Aalborg University, Denmark Neuromodulation


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